The following statements encapsulate our beliefs and values and our approach to doing business throughout our operating territory.
Business Ethics We believe it is in the interest of our shareholders, our customers and our employees that we maintain a highly acceptable public image supporting a progressively profitable company. Honesty, integrity and fairness are an integral basis of our total philosophy.
Customers We believe in providing consistently high standards of integrity, service, quality and value in satisfying customer needs. This operating ethos maintains our industry leadership and retains the loyalty and respect of our customers. |
Employees We aim to stimulate duty, mutual loyalty and a sense of pride in working for Avis through employee involvement at all levels, continuous updating of knowledge and skills and attractive and competitive recognition and reward systems. We believe that employees should be actively encouraged to grow and develop their careers with Avis and we always seek first to appoint candidates from within the Company to fill positions at every level — both nationally and internationally. To this end, we will provide the environment to help employees improve and develop themselves. |
Management and leadership Our management philosophy is one of decentralisation and local autonomy, underpinned by strong support services and leadership provided from Group Headquarters, an approach which stimulates entrepreneurialism whilst promoting consistency of image, service levels and operational efficiency. Suppliers We ensure integrity and professionalism in all dealings with suppliers and expect the same in return. We seek economic quality and efficiency of service in all supplier relationships and, where possible, ’added value’ to the mutual benefit of both. We continuously foster strategic alliances and partnerships with major travel industry organizations who share a mutual respect of the customer, a commitment to quality and a desire to maximize and enhance the reputation and value of the brand. |
Community We operate as responsible members of the community and within the laws of the countries within which we do business. We recognize and respect the attitudes, characteristics and customs of local populations.
Environment We recognize our corporate responsibility to the community at large for public health and safety and environmental protection. We fully comply with all legislation in this respect and actively pursue environmental and safety initiatives. |
Avis «We Try Harder» ethos We believe that sustainable competitive advantage comes from out innovating the competition continuously. In achieving this we look for continuous improvement, no matter how small, in everything we do and at the same time quantum improvement in the way we do business. We will never hesitate to adapt to new and more profitable ways of working provided that the integrity and honesty we apply to our business is not compromised. We actively encourage a ’try harder’ and ’can do’ mentality and operate a climate of TRUST at all levels. The only mistake is not to try something. Costs We regard efficiency as central to our whole business philosophy and we continuously search for means to reduce the cost of delivering a better product for the customer. |